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Haulier Confusion at new Direct Vision PSS requirements

Haulier Confusion at DVS PSS requirements

Haulier Confusion at new Direct Vision PSS requirements

A recent report by Motor Transport reveals there is still considerable haulier confusion over exactly what is required for full compliance with the new Direct Vision Standard Progressive Safe System.

Haulier Confusion DVS PSS requirements

Haulier Confusion now clarified

Hauliers and transport managers can now turn to an explainer produced by Loughborough University in collaboration with RHA after they warned the new requirements were not made clear exactly what equipment is needed for compliance.

It aims to help operators upgrading their trucks in order to meet the new progressive safe system requirements by providing a clearer explanation of what they need to fit in terms of the DVS-compliant Blind Spot Information System (BSIS) and the Moving Off Information System (MOIS).

The clarification document also strongly advised that any operator required to fit such systems to their vehicle fleet to fully test any hardware before investing. This advice comes after mounting evidence that some solutions offered to meet the new regulations are indeed non-compliant.

RHA welcomed the explainer this week but reiterated its warning that unless TfL extends its grace period for at least a year hauliers will struggle to become compliant in time.

The association said:
”We would like to thank the team at Loughborough University for listening to our feedback to help clarify Haulier Confusion about DVS requirements. However, we are still concerned at the timeframes TfL has set our industry to be fully compliant with PSS.

”We are fully committed to helping implement the new standard smoothly and improve safety on our roads, but there are more than 200,000 trucks in-scope needing upgrading amid concerns about availability, volume, affordability and reliability of equipment.

”We’re therefore urging TfL to extend the implementation grace period for at least 12 months to help operators upgrade. We expect officials in London will release a market readiness report in July which will help TfL better understand this picture.

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