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Is your fleet ready for the Electric Car Revolution?

Electric Car Revolution

Is your fleet ready for the Electric Car Revolution?

The electric car revolution has come a long way in the last decade, from a pipe dream of the few, to seemingly becoming the decided future for all transportation, it has now become the duty of car manufacturers to outdo each other in terms of range, tech, and desirability to ensure the public want these cars more than internal combustion engine (ICE) equivalents. There will come a time where the people driving ICE cars will be the dinosaurs not just the fuel inside their tanks. The Electric Car Revolution is upon us, are you ready for it?

The Electric Car Revolution

With the ban of ICE cars by 2035 coming into effect manufacturers have been forced to increase their efforts to improve their electric and hybrid offerings before that date. There are even calls for the ban to be moved forward to as soon as 2030 with the UK’s four largest fleet operators joining that call, Centrica, DPD UK, Royal Mail and BT & Openreach.

The industry is clearly behind the Electric Car Revolution with many companies adjusting their strategies to coincide with the ban, Volvo plan to have 100% of the cars they sell to be Electric, or hybrid powered by 2025, with Bentley planning to do the same by 2026. According to figures from the SMMT the public has responded well to these plans with electric cars sales tripling in 2020 reaching 76,000.

High-Tech Shortages

But electric cars are not without their problems, currently there is a global chip shortage going on meaning many manufacturers are struggling to source the vital micro chips required to make their vehicles work. The cause you ask? Of course, the Corona Virus which essentially closed the planet for an entire year in 2020, but also interestingly the launch of two new video game consoles, the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X which have seen a large increase in the usage of chips due to the massive popularity of each console.

Electric cars are obviously some of the most high-tech vehicles on the road today and not all that technology comes from the powertrain. Many electric cars are available with full 360-degree visibility with rear, side, and forward-facing cameras, along with 160m forward facing radar providing a long-range view of distant objects, all of this and ultrasonic sensors to warn the driver of vehicles around them and provide assistance with parking.

Did you know…

All of this is available on your current vehicle, no matter if it is an electric hybrid or uses conventional fuels, all from your good friends at EchoMaster. We have a fantastic selection of cameras suitable for facing any direction as well as sensors, monitors, antennas, and a fully cloud-based vehicle tracking platform that enable you to futureproof your fleet for a long time to come.

For more information on any of our products and to prepare your fleet for any future industry trends and regulations, please get in touch with our team who will be happy to help you with your unique business needs. Join +7000 commercial customers to drive security into the Electric Car Revolution, with EchoMaster.

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